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If you want to Reach Large Audience, we'll help you achieve this when you Advertise on DailySchoolGist . We’ve got the Experience to Keep you Brands ahead.
There are various advertising opportunities on DailySchoolGist. Below is a run down with their prices
i. Sponsored Posts: Are you launching or relaunching a blog or you want more exposure for a great ? You can now send your articles, press releases and special feature stories to DailySchoolGist for publication.
Your story will be published on our site and also amplified via our social media audience.
ii. Header Ad Slot This Ad unit appears on the header area of the DailySchoolGist logo. It appears on every page on our blog including the homepage, category pages, tag pages, and archive pages. This Ad slot is for 725 x 90 pixels units.
iii. Inside Content Ad Slot (Top): It appears before the first paragraph of every article on DailySchoolGist and will also be seen on content pages. This means that this Ad slot will show on the homepage, category pages, tag pages, and archive pages. This is for 300 x 250 pixels units
iv. Inside Content Ad Slot (Bottom): This Ad slot appears at the end of each article and like the Inside Content Ad Slot (Top) only shows in content pages. This is for 300 x 250 pixels units
v. Sidebar Ad Slots: This Ad units appears on the sidebar of all pages on our blog including homepage, category pages, tag pages, and archive pages. This Ad slot and is available for 300 x 250 pixels units.
These are the Ad slots currently on offer.
NOTE: For pricing, feel free to contact us via +2347064272729 or send a mail to dailyschoolgist@gmail.com
No matter the Ad slot you choose you are expected to make a minimum Ad buy of 6,000 Naira. You are responsible for providing creatives. The banner must be in image format. We do not accept banners built on Flash. If you want animated banners, use .gif or HTML5. Note that before we accept your Ad and provide payment instructions, you banner and landing page must meet our standards for quality.
To place ads on DailySchoolGist, the first step is to get your ad banner designed by a good graphic designer. Your ad banner must be less than 30kb in size, and in the PNG or JPG format. Once it's ready, send the banner as a mail to dailyschoolgist@gmail.com and once it's received, we'll review it immediately.(Your ad might not be approved if it's deceptive or illegal or morally questionable in some way).
After your ad is approved, we will provide you with information about how to purchase advertising credits so you can freely place your ads on our blog. We look forward to doing business with you!
Best regards,